Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sock Bat

Halloween is just around the corner! I have been wanting to try making a Sock Bat for my Sister-In-Law for a while now.  I am hoping to attend a craft fair in the middle of October so I figure why not give it a try?  The results are so amazingly cute I can't wait to see ho many people take one home!

I was having a hard time finding plain black socks, believe it or not, so I'm hoping I can get a hold of more to make a BUNCH of these cute Bats!  I'm also going to make more Sock Owls because I think they are just as adorable, but having the same problem finding socks that fit the "Owl Look".  Trying to get all stocked up for this Fair coming up has been a little challenging since I'm having a few health problems, but I'm not going to let that stop me. I have way too much fun sewing and creating new things to share with the world so I do hope I start feeling better.  Even if I didn't sell a single thing, I would still be sewing for fun.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What Have I Been Working On

I have been getting busy in my sewing room! Even though I haven' not been feeling well for about a month, I am trying to get up enough stuff to be able to go to a craft fair in the middle of October.  I am so excited since I haven't felt well enough to go to any of the fairs over the summer.  BUT this one should be awesome!

While I am still most definitely making Sock Monkeys, Sock Owls, Sock Cats, Sock Bunny, Sock Bears, and have an all out Sock Zoo going on, I love making purses and expanding my inventory.  While I know it seems like I am focusing on the geeky side of fandom, I do have many other types of purses and accessories that I want to share!  Here are a few photos of what I have been working on.

Keep a look out at my ETSY store & follow me on Twitter & Facebook to see when and where I will be selling my handmade double stitched Sock Monkeys & more!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Work Work Work

So far this has been a very interesting year! My job has been bouncing me back and forth with hours, and although I do work at home, it drives me crazy when they call me at 3am asking me to work more!  One of the perks of self employment.  Living in Georgia, the weather has been chaotic at best, and my kids have spent more time at home than at school (it seems).  We had a few setback because of the weather & had to fix somethings around the house, and so more chaos.  I am still trying to get my sewing room in order, still trying to put away Christmas decorations (yes, in February, did I mention the chaos?), and I continue to feel disappointed in myself when I don't get things done when & how I wanted to.  I have a lot of plans of making more varieties of items to sell at both the craft fairs and my Etsy store, and now I have all the materials I need, but am just lacking the time.  One thing I know is that I need to set aside a specific time every day, or every week to devote to sewing. 
My goal for this year is to sell at least 2 craft fairs, add purses, totes, coin purses and fandom related things to my inventory, and find a good way to organize all of my fabric in my sewing room.  That may not sound like a lot, but I seem to be having difficulty balancing work, kids, life, and my sewing.  I thought that after band season was over, things would calm down a little, but we can never plan for all the unexpected things in life.  And that is what makes life so wonderful.  Despite the setbacks, despite the plans that fall through, all of it is what makes life more interesting.  you wake up every morning ready to see what challenges, if any, you will face.  I admit, I have not felt that positive about all the chaos and all the setbacks, but I realized that those are the things that make up all of our lives.  Sometimes we do not meet our goals, sometimes we do.  If everything, always, went according to our plans, I would be bored.
So my plans for the next month or so are:
  1. Have more Sock Pals stocked up
  2. Make several purses, & bags
  3. Start "Story Time With Sock Monkey" YouTube videos
  4. Keep my Sewing Room as organized as possible
  5. Decide Which Craft Fairs I want to have a booth at
  6. Blog more!
I swear I have lists of lists to keep as reminders and as motivators, but I am allowing myself to not dwell on the goals not achieved, but instead be more positive about the future, because the future is always unexpected.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

What a year it was!  After the Craft Fair. Sock Monkeys By Cheryl took a back seat to work & family.  I didn't stop making in my spare time, but I was unable to get to do any more craft shows because of certain school events.  Even though I loved my first Craft Fair, the family always takes precedence.   Around the holidays, I did squeeze in time to try some new things for gifts.  I posted pictures of most of them already (the ones that have already been opened) on my Twitter & my Facebook so feel free to check them out.  I made fandom related things from Adventure Time, Doctor Who, Mario Bros., Dora the Explorer, & (sports related) UGA.  So I have been having fun learning how to make new things.  Sock Monkeys will always be my number one passion, but I think exploring other sewing crafts is helping me realize that I can make just about anything with a needle thread.

I will be expanding into coin purses, and purses and tote bags, I just have to organize a bit after the Christmas rush (my sewing room was also my gift wrapping room) before I can really focus on moving forward.  The new year looks bright and I am NOT going to let anything hold me back. 

Wishing you love and soft Sock Monkey hugs!
