Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sock Monkey Videos

Just for fun I made a video montage of photos of almost all the Sock Monkeys I have made in the past 3 years.

They are just too cute!  I am trying to organzie my time right so I can make enough Sock Monkeys for a Craft fair this year.

Now these are the ones I have for sale online.  With so many people selling Sock Monkeys, it seems that without the right kind of promotion it is diificult to sell a lot online.  Still I am not gettting discouraged becuase I absolutely LOVE making my Sock Monkeys.  Serisouly, even if they don't sell, I will still make them.  My Sock Monkeys have helped me through so much.  I did neglect them last year, though with all my time spent packing, moving, unpacking and then organizing, I barely made any!  But now I am settled (mostly) and ready to start creating more cute Sock Monkeys!

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