Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Sock Monkey Beginning

I remember, as a child, my Great Grandmother (MawMaw) would make sock monkeys, but beyond that I don't know if she sold them or gave them away. Fast forward to Christmas shopping with my fiance in 2008. We we in Walmart and turned a corner and there were about 10 on the shelf, not handmade, but looked close enough for me to fall madly in love with it. He bought it for me and wrapped it for Christmas. My Sock Monkey brought back so much and I pretty much am a big kid anyway, so it was always fun.

In September, I was 5 months pregnant and our baby didn't make it, so his birthday is the same day as his passing. From this awful tragedy of losing my son, I had to find something to keep me busy and I looked up online how to make a homemade sock monkey. I bought some socks from our local flea market and started at it. The first two Test Monkeys were made of white socks with blue heels and toes, and looked kind of funny, but I didn't give up. My fiance's mom wanted me to make her one, so I used a darker sock with a brown heel and toe. The Next one I made was for his Nephew. I made the next one for my daughter out of a pink striped fuzzy sock that was more challenging than the regular sock, but I managed to get it together. I made another fuzzy sock for my son, and I thought it looked spectacular!

My next project was Christmas gift monkeys! I ended up making a total of 8 sock monkeys and even made felt "Santa" hats for them. I gave 3 to friends of my daughter's, and the rest to family. Since then, other people have seen the ones I gave as gifts and thought that I should try to sell them. So here I am making more and more and truthfully, even if I don't sell any, it won't bother me at all, but I figure I might as well try. So I am going to "Blog" about my monkeys and making them and even put up pictures or links and such.

Every Sock Monkey I make has its own personality and character and ALL are pre-hugged. This week I have made 4 new fuzzy sock monkeys. One is going to my fiance's mom, and the rest I am going to take around with me to try to sell. Really, though, it has brought me joy and helped to heal so many deep wounds in my heart that will always be there. It is the only good that has come of my tragedy. If it weren't for my sock monkeys, I would still be very sad and lonely and depressed, so I am thankful, even if all I do is fill my house with these cute monkeys, that I have something that has helped ease the pain a little.

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