What a year it was! After the Craft Fair. Sock Monkeys By Cheryl took a back seat to work & family. I didn't stop making in my spare time, but I was unable to get to do any more craft shows because of certain school events. Even though I loved my first Craft Fair, the family always takes precedence. Around the holidays, I did squeeze in time to try some new things for gifts. I posted pictures of most of them already (the ones that have already been opened) on my Twitter & my Facebook so feel free to check them out. I made fandom related things from Adventure Time, Doctor Who, Mario Bros., Dora the Explorer, & (sports related) UGA. So I have been having fun learning how to make new things. Sock Monkeys will always be my number one passion, but I think exploring other sewing crafts is helping me realize that I can make just about anything with a needle thread.
I will be expanding into coin purses, and purses and tote bags, I just have to organize a bit after the Christmas rush (my sewing room was also my gift wrapping room) before I can really focus on moving forward. The new year looks bright and I am NOT going to let anything hold me back.
Wishing you love and soft Sock Monkey hugs!